- Thousands of Criminal Cases
- All Criminal Charges in All Courts
Throughout New Jersey and
New York City - Municipal Court Cases
- Juvenile Cases
- Criminal Appeals
Why Hire James S. Friedman, LLC?

Even a quick Internet search will bring up websites for numerous criminal defense firms. What distinguishes any one of these firms from the others?
We are different from any other criminal defense firm. First, we provide an unparalleled level of service, and we do everything possible to tailor those services to the needs of each client. We are compassionate, and understand that a criminal client comes to us in a difficult and stressful situation where they are facing substantial problems that could affect every aspect of their life. Finally, and perhaps most significantly, we offer a level of comprehensive experience with the criminal justice system that few firms can match.
First, when you retain this firm, you will be represented by an attorney with over 25 years of experience in the justice system, including:
- Experience in the court systems of New Jersey, New York, and other states;
- Experience in the federal judicial system;
- Experience on both the trial and appellate level; and
- Experience with a wide array of post-conviction matters and issues.
Those last two points are important. In fact, they cannot be stressed enough.
Complete Criminal RepresentationAlmost every criminal attorney has trial level experience. In New Jersey, that means that they practice in the Criminal Part of the Superior Court of New Jersey, the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, and various municipal courts in different towns throughout the State.
We have all of that experience, and much more. Of course, we appear regularly in the New Jersey Superior Court, the federal district court in New Jersey, and numerous New Jersey municipal courts. We represent our clients in trial-level matters in each of these courts. Additionally, we also appear at the trial level in the New York State criminal courts and United States District Courts that are based in New York City. We have also been retained to represent criminal clients in other states. Such representation can include everything from a bail motion all the way through to trial and verdict.
But we are more than just a criminal trial firm. We also have a large appellate practice. We represent criminal defendants who seek to appeal their criminal convictions to the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court, or to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Further, our appellate practice does not stop there. We represent clients seeking to appeal New Jersey municipal court convictions.
Defendants who have exhausted their appellate rights may still be able to file petitions for post-conviction relief. We represent clients in post-conviction petitions throughout New Jersey. We also represent clients who seek to appeal a trial court's denial of their PCR to the Appellate Division of the Superior Court.
We also represent defendants in a wide array of post-conviction matters. For example, New Jersey prison inmates who have been adjudicated guilty of violating institutional charges can appeal that determination to the Appellate Division of the Superior Court. We represent New Jersey prison inmates on such appeals.
Inmates who are parole eligible are not entitled to attorney representation at their parole hearing, but are entitled to submit materials to the parole board to assist it in determining whether they should be granted parole. We prepare written submissions to the parole board that help ensure it has all of the information requisite to a full and fair determination concerning an inmate's parole status and eligibility.
Defendants who have been sentenced to terms of probation, or State prison inmates who have been released on parole, sometimes face charges for violating the terms and conditions of their probation or parole. We represent defendants and inmates facing charges for violating the terms and condition of their supervision.
Some defendants have special post-conviction needs. For example, a defendant who has been convicted of a sex offense may be subject to a tiering proceeding to determine their level of parole supervision. We represent defendants in connection with such proceedings.
A record for a criminal conviction can turn into a real nuisance - even years after the case ended. Defendants who satisfy statutory requirements may be able to have their criminal records expunged. We regularly represent people in expungement proceedings in every New Jersey trial court.
Finally, our criminal defense practice is not limited to adult criminal defendants. We represent juveniles facing delinquency petitions in the Family Part of the New Jersey Superior Court.
In short, we go everywhere a criminal defendant can go. Every Court - trial or appellate - without exception. Every charge - original criminal charge, probation violation, parole violation - without exception. Every need - adult or juvenile - without exception. We represent clients before the case commences in earnest, and then all through the case to its conclusion. Where necessary, we represent clients on appeal, and in post-conviction proceedings. We also represent clients in a wide array of issues that can arise after appellate or post-conviction proceedings have terminated.
What makes us unique, and what distinguishes us from other criminal defense firms, is our many years of experience representing our clients in every conceivable aspect of a criminal matter at every level of the justice system. Put differently, we do it all. Please review our website to learn more about our firm, and contact us to discuss your individual needs. We have the necessary experience to meet them.